Ross Evans

Case Study/ Total Reform

The Problem

Ross has been experiencing pain in her wrist for the past 3 months. During the consultation, her range of motion were tested and there was normal value for flexion, however restricted range in extension, radial and ulna deviation. In addition there was slight pain going into radial deviation. So a break test was performed for the strength test rather than a manual muscle test. Her strength was strong in all aspects however there was pain during radial deviation and ulna deviation. We identified she tested positive for the Finkelstein test, which may indicate she has ‘De quavain sysndrome’. 

The Solution

Soft tissue release can be used on her extensors to release adhesions, then we would need to stabilise her wrist with zinc oxide taping, for 3-4 days and limited radial and ulna deviation. In addition, she is advised not to lift anything heavy, rest and ice the wrist. Then she could start isometric exercises for her wrist and also resisted exercises using a resistance band, to strengthen the muscle and ligaments around her wrist.

Strengthening Exercises: 

1) Isometric Wrist Extension with Resistance Band

  • Hold a resistance band off the edge of a table with the palm facing up.

  •  Lift the hand upwards against the resistance band keeping the forearm still. Lower the hand down

          2) Isometric Wrist Flexion with Resistance Band

  • Hold a resistance band off the edge of a table with the palm facing up. 

  • Lift the hand upwards against the resistance band keeping the forearm still. Lower the hand down

    3) Isometric Ulna Deviation:

  • Hold a resistance band off the edge of a table with the palm facing up.

  •  Lift the hand upwards against the resistance band keeping the forearm still. Lower the hand down

          4) Isometric Radiation Deviation:

  • Hold a resistance band off the edge of a table with the palm facing up. Lift the hand upwards against the resistance band keeping the forearm still. 

  • Lower the hand down

  • Once the pain alleviated, we moved to at least 2 sessions of strength training per week  with ‘Total Reform’ , to strengthen her wrist extensors and flexors.

    5) Seated Wrist Extension In Prayer Position:

  • Start by placing the palms of your hands together 

  • As you push your hands in against one another, ensure your arms are held in a straight line 

  • Hold for the prescribed time

 The Outcome:

Dr Stretch was able to find the main cause of the issue and help to treat and rehabilitate her problems she had been dealing with . 

Ross has strengthened her wrist extensors and flexors and no longer complains of wrist pains. Moving forward, she continues her strength training at Dr  stretch.